To make a lasting impact on Veterans and their families by providing professional support services that empower and equip them for a secure future.
SSV ‘s Career Transition team helps Veterans with:
Creating & Tailoring a Civilian Resume
Interview Prep
Job Search Strategies
Salary Negotiation
Mastering LinkedIn
Veterans and their spouses are NEVER charged and will always work 1on1 with a real, human Veteran!
Fill this form out, attach a resume and a Veteran Career Coach will reach out as soon as possible!
“I encourage every transitioning veteran I know to reach out to SSV! Their quality of service and genuine enthusiasm for helping transitioning service members far exceeds that of any other services I utilized, with the exception of my SkillBridge experience.”
“SSV understands the difficulty transitioning service members face getting into civil employment. The mentorship, guidance and support from SSV was a light in a dark employment situation for me.”
Kerchell's military identity had been deeply ingrained in her, shaping her confidence and self-worth. When she left the service, adjusting to a new civilian identity and culture was one of her toughest challenges.
"Don't give up, be that multi-tool of experience no matter how small it is. Don't undersell yourself and don't oversell yourself.”
Cody's journey serves as a reminder to fellow Veterans that help is available, and organizations like Still Serving Veterans are here to provide the personalized support needed to navigate life beyond the military.
"I am presently surprised at how easy the transition was by doing all the classes and courses that Still Serving Veterans offered.”
“I was very pleased with the results as Steve was very proactive with checking in on me and providing me with new techniques. I was quickly hired to a new job just a few weeks after retirement,” Joe said of his experience.
Veterans leaving the military often find themselves grappling with the task of translating their military experience into something that makes sense to civilian employers. Learn how Brandan took his highly specialized and technical military skills and found a civilian equivalent.
Mr. Scheffler is a former Marine and one of several Veterans who are proud members of the Security & Safety team at Huntsville Hospital Health System. Basic Military training instilled a strong sense of teamwork and provides the tools this team uses daily to assess and de-escalate situations quickly.
Not everyone who leaves the Military does so by choice… sometimes an unexpected event causes an injury or health change forcing a drastic course shift. SSV has Veteran Career Counselors standing ready to listen and help you build a new future after medical discharge.
Making the move from service member to civilian success - “I spent a lot of time wondering if I would ever land the right job for me. I was afraid I would be like scores of other vets who jump from place to place looking for the right landing spot. My SSV career counselor guided me, coached me, and pointed me in the right direction.” - Jason, US Air Force
“I had to ‘get over the ask,’ and reach out to my community, to find out about those resources that were truly available to me, to assist me in my next great adventure.” #VeteransHelpingVeterans
“There are many moments where, as a young Veteran, you feel lost in unfamiliar territory and don’t know where to locate assistance. While on Active Duty you feel like you can accomplish anything, you feel grounded and supported. Once you leave, it’s as if you’re starting over…”
“Start by identifying your “Why”, then build a team of mentors to help guide you toward your new career goal.”
After over 40 job applications, and just as many ‘nos’, Ernest had the courage to reach out for help and has now found a career where he is thriving.
“SSV made what was a scary, unknown process a positive and hopeful one and we will always be grateful for their kindness, actionable advice, and warm words of comfort.”
“I received encouragement, guidance, and advice which has shown me that I had a lot of valuable skills and talents that major corporations are looking for.”
2020 was a difficult year for so many, but it also brought an outpouring of generosity and support from community partners like AHPO.
Aaron worked with SSV to overcome the challenges of redefining his military skills to be relevant in the civilian market.
Like so many this year, Chyna faced unimaginable challenges… but with the amazing support from our community we were able to help her get back up, with pride and purpose. “This is one of the biggest blessings I have ever received” …a blessing she hopes to “pay forward” to another family in need.
How do you build a new life after the military? Alan knew that he wanted to keep working, but he wanted more, he wanted to find a career and a purpose.
“Still Serving Veterans (SSV) empowered and enabled me to make a successful transition following a 20+ year military career. …and provided mentorship centered on my desires, well-being, and family.”
“When COVID-19 hit, Chris found himself quarantined in the middle of a new city, not knowing anyone, and having no connections. Scheduled job fairs were cancelled, and organizers shifted to virtual job fairs. Chris quickly realized that his approach to the job search had to shift.”
“Still Serving Veterans impacted my life by assisting me with showcasing my experience to potential employers.”
“I had honestly almost given up trying to find something that I would find enjoyable after over 5 months of searching. The assistance with the resume and resources that Still Serving Veterans had assisted me with putting together, reenergized me and helped me regain hope.”
“Take a deep breath and understand that you are worth the right job. Still Serving Veterans helped me understand that.”
“There were plenty of times that I wanted to give up because I felt like I had no one to help but Still Serving Veterans was always there.”
Take a step to secure the future of your family! Browse our upcoming workshops to kickstart your civilian transition.
Veteran? Leaving the military soon? You should attend a military hiring event hosted by our partners! Still Serving Veterans can get you ready or can even work with your resume at some of these events.
September 26th, 2025
Get ready for HSV SOF’s 8th Annual BB&B!
October 23, 2025
Join us for the 20th Annual Golf Tournament to support Still Serving Veterans.
“Being in the military is a very secure life position, and after 20 years of having that kind of job security, not having a job and searching for one was stressful and anxiety producing."