Recognition & Financials

Recognition & Awards


2023 Call of Duty Endowment Primary Grantee

The Call of Duty Endowment provides substantial restricted grants to a limited number of nonprofit organizations that demonstrate the highest level of effectiveness, efficiency and integrity in connecting veterans with high-quality jobs. Still Serving Veterans is honored to be selected again this year as one of only ten organizations globally to be named a CODE Primary Grantee. Primary Grantee's are rigorously vetted, audited and deemed to be honest, effective, and efficient organizations.  SSV has been a CODE Primary Grantee since 2014.


Candid 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar

Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar is their newest and highest level of recognition. Organizations who earn this designation are focused on measuring progress and indicates that we exceed industry standards. This exceptional designation sets us apart from other nonprofits and demonstrates our trustworthiness to the public.

Candid (GuideStar) Seals of Transparency indicate that a nonprofit has provided key organizational information to its Candid (GuideStar) profile. With over 2,000,000 non-profit listings, this Platinum recognition shows our commitment to transparency. By providing up-to-date information, nonprofits allow potential donors and funders to make educated decisions.


2022 Charity Navigator 100% Score

Charity Navigator is your guide to intelligent giving. They evaluate a nonprofit organization’s financial health including measures of stability, efficiency and sustainability. They also track accountability and transparency policies to ensure the good governance and integrity of the organization. Learn more about other nonprofit charities and our 2022 Finance & Accountability score of 100%.


2023 GreatNonprofits Top Rating

Still Serving Veterans is honored to be selected again this year as a 2023 GreatNonprofits’ Top-Rated Nonprofit! GreatNonprofits is a website where donors, volunteers, and clients can post reviews and share their personal experiences with charitable organizations, providing information about the reputability of each organizations.

2022 Small Business Nonprofit of the Year Award.

2022 Nonprofit of the Year - Huntsville/Madison County Chamber

Still Serving Veterans (SSV) is honored to be a part of the roughly 3,000 devoted nonprofit organizations shaping the greater Huntsville, AL community. On Nov. 1st, 2022, SSV was awarded the ‘Nonprofit of the Year’ award at the 37th Annual Huntsville/Madison County Chamber’s Small Business Awards Gala. This is the second time in our almost 17 years of operation that we have received this distinguished honor (2015 & 2022). We are very grateful for this recognition and the military-friendly community which helps to support and promote our no-cost services for Veterans locally and nationally.


2023 HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion Award

The U.S. Department of Labor has recognized Still Serving Veterans as a 2022 HIRE Vets Medallion Award recipient. The HIRE Vets Medallion Program is the only federal Veterans’ employment program that recognizes leading businesses who demonstrate exceptional achievement in veteran hiring, retention, and professional development. By meeting the criteria required for a Platinum Medallion Award, Still Serving Veterans demonstrated both patriotism and recognition of the value Veterans bring to the workplace.


2020 NAVFOC Veteran Service Organization of the Year Award

SSV is the proud recipient of the NAVFOC (North Alabama Veteran & Fraternal Organization Coalition) Veteran Service Organization of the Year Award.

Providing leadership in the veteran community is such a core belief at Still Serving Veterans (SSV) that leadership is part of the organization’s mission statement. We are very grateful for this recognition from our Veteran community.


Bob Hope Spirit of Hope 2008 Award

The Spirit of Hope Award was created in 1998 and named for Bob Hope, the first honorary veteran of the U.S. Army for his 50-plus years of entertaining troops, both in peacetime and in combat zones.

Each year, the five services and the Department of Defense can nominate individuals or organizations for the award that consists of a bronze or silver medallion with a bas relief of Hope created by sculptor Don F. Wiegand, whose foundation administers the awards. Recipients also receive lapel pins with Hope's likeness.


BBB 2018 Torch Awards

The Torch Award was established to gain public recognition for local companies and non-profit organizations that maintain a solid commitment to conducting their business practices with the highest standards in leadership and character ethics.


NonProfit of the Year for the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce

For over 30 years the Chamber has been supporting and recognizing individuals and businesses that make a positive impact on our community through their products, services, and outstanding attributes. Our annual Small Business Awards honors the best of the best small business entrepreneurs, young professionals, non-profits, and executive leadership.


Seal of Distinction Award


 Financial Reporting

Serving those who have served with effectiveness,
efficiency, and transparency.

Still Serving Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is externally audited each year. We are devoted to financial transparency and ethical practices. Click the buttons below to view or download any of our financial documents or annual reports. If you have any questions about our financial status, the impact of your gift or how we use donations to help Veterans and their families, please contact Chief Development Officer, Debbie Joyner, by phone at (256)384-7274 or email at