Air Force Career Transition: Jason’s Success Story
From Air Force Service to Civilian Career Success
Transitioning from the military to civilian workplace is a big challenge for Veterans. Still Serving Veterans (SSV) was there for Jason with guidance and support to land the job he wanted.
“The biggest challenge was uncertainty.” – Jason, US Air Force
After serving his country in the Air Force, Jason needed to find a job outside of the military. Jason’s biggest challenge was overcoming uncertainty. Searching and applying for jobs is a new process for many Veterans that can be frustrating and overwhelming. Jason didn't know how much work it would take to find a job. He was also getting a lot of advice from a lot of people, and he wasn't sure which advice he should follow.
SSV recognizes the unique challenges our Veterans face when leaving the Military and embarking on a new career. SSV’s Career Counselors are Veterans who know first-hand how tough the transition can be testing. Jason’s career counselor gave him relationship-based assistance that was tailored to his needs.
"If it wasn’t for Still Serving Veterans and their affiliates, I would be either jobless or I would have taken an entry-level role for a lower salary." – Jason, US Air Force
Veterans come away from the military with valuable skill sets. Like Jason, many of them just don’t know how to match and sell those skills to employers. Still Serving Veterans provided Jason with a Career Counselor who mentored him through the entire job-seeking process. He received assistance with networking, LinkedIn, and resume writing. Jason not only secured a job, but he was able to negotiate a higher salary and received a promotion after only 9 months.
“This was a LIFE CHANGING experience for me. Thanks to my Career Counselor at SSV, I am able to understand my skillset and place in corporate America.” – Jason, US Air Force
Still Serving Veterans' primary mission is to offer no-cost career and transition counseling services that help Veterans build rewarding careers and meaningful lives. This is done by meeting the Veteran where they are on their journey. It’s easy to connect with the Counselors because they are also Veterans themselves and know the challenges of transitioning into the civilian world.