Brandan B.
Veterans leaving the military often find themselves grappling with the task of translating their military experience into something that makes sense to civilian employers. Learn how Brandan took his highly specialized and technical military skills and found a civilian equivalent.
Security Careers: A Veteran Security Team
Mr. Scheffler is a former Marine and one of several Veterans who are proud members of the Security & Safety team at Huntsville Hospital Health System. Basic Military training instilled a strong sense of teamwork and provides the tools this team uses daily to assess and de-escalate situations quickly.
Air Force Career Transition: Jason’s Success Story
Making the move from service member to civilian success - “I spent a lot of time wondering if I would ever land the right job for me. I was afraid I would be like scores of other vets who jump from place to place looking for the right landing spot. My SSV career counselor guided me, coached me, and pointed me in the right direction.” - Jason, US Air Force
Air Force Veteran Job Search: Amber’s Success Story
“I had to ‘get over the ask,’ and reach out to my community, to find out about those resources that were truly available to me, to assist me in my next great adventure.” #VeteransHelpingVeterans
Overcoming Post-Military Challenges: Steve’s Path to Success
“There are many moments where, as a young Veteran, you feel lost in unfamiliar territory and don’t know where to locate assistance. While on Active Duty you feel like you can accomplish anything, you feel grounded and supported. Once you leave, it’s as if you’re starting over…”
Army Veteran Career Transition: Mary’s Path to Success
“Start by identifying your “Why”, then build a team of mentors to help guide you toward your new career goal.”