Brandan B.
Veterans leaving the military often find themselves grappling with the task of translating their military experience into something that makes sense to civilian employers. Learn how Brandan took his highly specialized and technical military skills and found a civilian equivalent.
Army Veteran Career Transition: Mary’s Path to Success
“Start by identifying your “Why”, then build a team of mentors to help guide you toward your new career goal.”
AHPO Gives Back 2020
2020 was a difficult year for so many, but it also brought an outpouring of generosity and support from community partners like AHPO.
Chyna W.
Like so many this year, Chyna faced unimaginable challenges… but with the amazing support from our community we were able to help her get back up, with pride and purpose. “This is one of the biggest blessings I have ever received” …a blessing she hopes to “pay forward” to another family in need.
Shequita B.
“I had honestly almost given up trying to find something that I would find enjoyable after over 5 months of searching. The assistance with the resume and resources that Still Serving Veterans had assisted me with putting together, reenergized me and helped me regain hope.”
Shawnta G.
“I heard about SSV through a friend. They polished my resume, assisted me with networking, and even counseled me on refining my interview skills. In less than a week, I was able to find a job in my career field that I am passionate about.”
Jurran H.
“My work with Still Serving Veterans, helped me translate my military skills into civilian competencies which boosted my confidence. Being unemployed for two months, I began to lose faith and doubt my abilities, but I am grateful for the SSV team which was proactive in following up with me even on unsuccessful interviews and helped me identify how to be better prepared for the next opportunity.”