Shawnta G.
“I heard about SSV through a friend. They polished my resume, assisted me with networking, and even counseled me on refining my interview skills. In less than a week, I was able to find a job in my career field that I am passionate about.”
Chris G.
“Everyone in the SSV team was there to assist, coach, and mentor me every step of the way. As a result, I retired with more knowledge and a new-found confidence in myself. Still Serving Veterans and its partners provide a priceless service that not only benefits the Soldier but also gives employers exactly what they are looking for.”
Maria H.
“Still Serving Veterans gave me the perspective I needed when writing my resume and suggested avenues I may not have considered. I am more motivated than most but they gave the motivation to keep looking even at moments when I considered quitting and settling for a lesser opportunities.”
Karl S.
"I am impressed and greatly appreciate the professional support, recommendations, and assistance provided from Still Serving Veterans. With their assistance I was able to land a position. They were professional and knowledgeable. I would recommend them to assist all Veterans with their transition process."
Jurran H.
“My work with Still Serving Veterans, helped me translate my military skills into civilian competencies which boosted my confidence. Being unemployed for two months, I began to lose faith and doubt my abilities, but I am grateful for the SSV team which was proactive in following up with me even on unsuccessful interviews and helped me identify how to be better prepared for the next opportunity.”