Interview Prep for Veterans and Transitioning Service Members
We hear it all the time from our Veterans:
“I’m putting out lots of applications but I’m not getting called for interviews” or “I’m getting interviewed but I’m not getting called with any offers for jobs.” These are distinctly different problems.
Recommitting to the Job Search: Tips for Veterans
Are you unemployed, underemployed, miserably employed, or transitioning military and feel that you have lost your way in the job search? Here are seven concrete actions you can take to re-energize your job search!
The Quiet Job Search: How to Search for a New Job While Employed
You have made the decision to find a new job. However, you want the timing to be yours. Here are five steps to take to make this a reality - thoughtfully and professionally.
Making the Most of a Veteran Job Fair: Get In. Get out. Get Hired.
It seems like every week there is a job fair you could be attending. That’s great for you if you’re actively searching for a job, right? But are they the best investment of your time? Here’s our advice to get the best results in the least amount of time.
Top Ten Tips (plus one bonus!) on Applying through USA Jobs for Veterans
The government job search can be confusing and frustrating even if you do everything right. But the benefits of working in a government organization can be life-changing. Here is practical advice for navigating the USA Jobs process…
How to Nail a Job Interview: Preparation and Success Tips
You receive a call from a recruiter and after a few basic questions and a conversation about the position you have applied for the recruiter tells you, “we would like to schedule an interview for you”. There is an equal level of excitement and nervousness, so now what? Here are the first steps…
A Veteran's Guide to Making Critical Life & Career Choices
Struggling with some big life decisions? These tips will help you set yourself up to make the right choice.
Navigating Military Transition: A Veteran’s Journey
Transitions can be stressful - emotionally, intellectually, physically, and perhaps spiritually. It is a normal path which we all must travel.
Is Your e-Mail Address Hurting Your Job Search?
Employers look for experience, skills, and education, but as importantly, they look for maturity, professionalism, social awareness, and a good cultural fit. Even an email address is a discriminator. Is yours helping or hurting your job search?
What Should be my Next Career Move? Six Things to Consider
All of us find ourselves considering from time to time our next career move. Give yourself the gift of time, space, quiet, and privacy to seriously consider what you really want to do. Here is how…