Top Ten Tips (plus one bonus!) on Applying through USA Jobs for Veterans
The government job search can be confusing and frustrating even if you do everything right. But the benefits of working in a government organization can be life-changing. Here is practical advice for navigating the USA Jobs process…
Why Must I Tailor My Resume - Again!?!
Resumes tailored for specific employers and positions rise to the top of the stack of the hundreds of resumes submitted for the typical job. Here is advice on how to efficiently do this tailoring.
Is Your e-Mail Address Hurting Your Job Search?
Employers look for experience, skills, and education, but as importantly, they look for maturity, professionalism, social awareness, and a good cultural fit. Even an email address is a discriminator. Is yours helping or hurting your job search?
How to Tailor Your Resume for Each Job Application
If you keep sending resumes and not hearing back, these tips will help you target your resume for each application.